Action ThisHere’s a plug for a new product launched by some ex-Intergenites. In fact the business is an off shoot of Intergen so there’s some serious development power behind it.

Action This : get stuff done, go home early!

I arrived home at 8.45pm tonight. Perhaps I need something like this. I downloaded the trial today at work. The claim was that I’d be up and running in 20 seconds. That probably would have been the case had I not been using G-Mail. For some inexplicable reason my mail takes forever to arrive – like 15 minutes from when I clicked OK on the Action This website.

Anyway, I was so busy ‘actioning’ my current work load that I just didn’t have time to get to grips with what this application can do. I invited a few colleagues onto a project I’m currently running. They received the invites but then were at a loss with how to continue.

Can anyone out there tell me how I should be using this thing?

In the meantime, if it is as good as the Action Team think it is then I wish them well, and I look forward to some serious evaluation from a serious evaluator.

One thought on “Action This”

  1. It’s not as complete as the action system, but this is a really simple online bug tracking tool. Doesn’t need any Outlook integration either, just works by either sending you email alerts, or you can look at it online. Very nice:

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