BankaRate – the best interest rates on offer

RaboPlus, the only AAA bank in New Zealand launched tonight a new website. BankaRate

Called BankaRate it offers high interest Term Deposits on a limited basis for a limited time. In most cases the interest rate is 0.4 to 0.5% above what is offered by any other bank.

The site went live at around 7pm and already by 10.00pm only half the available $100K for 1 month rates were remaining.

I need to confess that I’m the Account Manager for Click Suite responsible for the online activities for RaboPlus – so I do have a vested interest. But I’d challenge anyone out there to show me anything with a better rate and with a better level of security.

Check it out here:

One thought on “BankaRate – the best interest rates on offer”

  1. As a customer of RaboPlus, I can say that this is truly a great innovation for the banking industry which has seen little in the way of unique innovations over the years.

    If you haven’t checked it out already, make sure you subscibe to their ‘BankaRate Alerts’ just to see it in action if nothing else.

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