It pains me to write the word ‘Mayoral’ with a capital…given the bunch of people running I just don’t think they deserve a capital M.
It took until the Saturday 15 September edition of the DomPost for me to discover who Paul Bailey was/is. He’s a strategic marketing consultant. I think he needs to fire himself. He has no external presence – no website that I could find – no hits on google – and yet, as I posted last week, at the Wellington Chamber of Commerce forum I went to he was by far the most impressive candidate, in his responses and in his concerns for the city.
The Chamber has posted video of that meeting and it reveals several things that the voting public need to know.
Nick Kelly was brilliant in his rhetoric (video 4.71MB streaming), and John McGrath doesn’t deserve your vote – click on his video (4.1MB streaming) and you’ll see why. The majority of the others are has-beens.
There’s a nice precis of the candidates on 100 Word Blog.
You have clearly identified yourself as a Right-Wing Big-Business lover.
I’d be interested to know if you pay Rates, or is it just another palrty expense fading into insignificance behind the monthy Chardonnay bill?
For the majority of Wellingtonians, rising Council Rates ARE a major concern, as is the forecasted $400 million plus debt the current Mayor and her Chamber of Commerce endorsed cronies have left ratepayers.
My goodness – I don’t know how you could possibly identify me as a right-wing big business lover.
Note, if my denunciation of John McGrath shows I’m pro business, and if I think that Nick Kelly is a brilliant public speaker (that’s a compliment by the way) then surely that tips me way into the leftist camp.
My point is in all of my posts about the Wellington City elections is that there is no choice. It’s better the devil you know – it pains me greatly to say that Kerry is looking like the best candidate.
I pay an enormous rates bill – I’d love it to be less, but I’m not voting for a candidate so that my wallet is heavier.
The Chamber of Commerce has done a really good job of providing a forum for local candidates, especially when compared to the DomPost (although they’ve admittedly left most of their coverage to their community paper).
I’m still surprised how minimal the efforts of most of the candidates for the Mayoralty and Council have been (strategic marketing consultants especially). Not even a Myspace for most, it makes me think they’re lazy and/or amateurs.