It’s the tenth anniversary of the Antique and Classic Boat Show. Held at Lake Rotoiti in Nelson Lakes National Park this year saw a record number of entries – 120, up from the usual 80 odd. From Pete Rainey’s initial hunch that there would be other enthuiasts interested in getting together to look at boats this event has grown so big that overseas tourists have been known to plan their visit to New Zealand around this event.
This year boat enthusiasts came from as far north as Auckland and as far south as Invercargill. There was pretty much a craft for all tastes – from beautiful mahogany italian style river boats, to classic Hamilton jets, to seagull outboard motors. Michael Seresin, of Seresin Estate fame brought his twin V8 Riva. It was craned into the lake, very carefully.
The supreme winner will be announced at 9.20pm tonight. As official photographer I already know who will lift the Jens Hansen trophy – but my lips are sealed. More on that later.