In an apparent coup last weekend Helen Clark was ousted as Leader of the Labour Party by her erstwhile opponent, the sort-of-right-wing John Key. And what’s more he announced it at a National Party conference.
According to the press there were quiet and confused murmurs amongst the blue rinse brigade as Key announced his defection. His leadership of the Labour Party only lasted for thirty minutes or so until he announced to waiting journalists “I’m only human…I really do want to lead the Labour Party…I mean, I must do because I said it…but I need to win the election for National first – I think”.
This could be seen as a blatant attempt to steal Labour’s policies while thinly disguised as leader of the Labour Party – or it could be a sad case of mistaken identity by a confused and diorientated leader of the National Party…
If John Key gets this rattled and nervous in front of his own constituents then I can’t wait to see him debate one on one with Helen. It’ll be great sport.