Christine Rankin appeared on Sunday last night.
Janet McIntyre read a statement from Margo McAuley’s sister. Christine Rankin read her own.
What possesses Christine Rankin to keep trying to justify her life to the nation? She should just be quiet. The more appropriate course of action would have been to accept the Family Commission position and then shut up. Just don’t engage with the media. Perhaps she’s using Glenda Hughes, who similarly instructed Tony Veitch to talk to the media when what he should have been doing was keeping his head down.
Christine Rankin knows how the media works. She knows that everything she says, especially now, will cause controversy. As hard as it is for her she needs to button her lip and take advice from the Prime Minister and only comment on things to do with families and children.
”As far as I’m concerned she’s been appointed a commissioner, one of seven in a part-time job, to advocate for families and particularly because of her expertise when it comes to abused children,” Mr Key said today.
”That’s what I want to hear her talking about and nothing else.”
Christine Rankin stupidly went on prime time television and made a statement that completely contradicts what Margo McAuley’s family believes happened – this only piques our interest.
Now we all want to know who is telling the truth.
‘Now we all want to know who is telling the truth’. We sure do!! anyway she’s loud wears trashy earrings divisive, in fact Key couldn’t have picked a worse person for the job, what’s going on?