Christine Rankin
Christine Rankin

I couldn’t understand why I was getting an extraordinary number of hits on my Margo McAuley blog post until I saw the Herald on Sunday.

A mainstream newspaper has finally revealed what many of us in Wellington have known for months – that Margo McAuley tragically took her own life in part because of her husband’s affair with Christine Rankin.

Six months after Margo McAuley’s funeral Christine Rankin is appointed a Family Commissioner.

Should we be concerned?

Christine Rankin confessed to Mark Sainsbury on the day after her appointment that after four marriages (the last to Margo McAuley’s ex-husband) she has “learned a lot”. The question would be, does whatever she has learned help her in any way to be a Family Commissioner?

Christine Rankin had an affair with the man that was married to Margo MacAuley, and in helping to break up that marriage, however under pressure that marriage was, added to Margo MacAuley’s grief that in turn led her into taking her own life.

Can Christine Rankin act appropriately as a Family Commissioner? Can National continue to support her appointment? Can National continue to support Paula Bennett who went behind Peter Dunne’s back to appoint her in the first place?

There will be more to come on this I’m sure.

2 thoughts on “Christine and Margo”

  1. This is sleazy stuff,and I now feel less of Tommy Heptinstall after his comments in the Sunday papers.

    Margo had problems with depression for far longer than her last marriage and to blame her death on Kim is unfair in the extreme.

  2. Nonsense. How many real estate people have done well in the past six months? How many have over-extended?

    Anyone looked into McAuley’s estate? Or what is left of it. You may find a large financially led motive for the depression.

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